About Us

DocA is a unique Pan-African initiative that aims to cultivate and nourish a self-sustaining documentary film ecosystem in Africa.

We aim at supporting the African documentary film industry through interconnected initiatives in storytelling development and content creation, knowledge-building and sharing, distribution, and audience building.

Our focus is to enable African documentary film makers tell African narratives through the African lens, so that we can consolidate diverse African perspectives that can confront dominant and inaccurate narratives about the African continent.

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

To support the wide circulation of African perspectives and voices through documentary filmmaking.

Our Vision

An Africa that is reclaiming agency over its own narratives, amplifying them as tools of socio-political change and inspiration with the power to spark pertinent Pan-African debate and discourse.

Released Films


The Documentary Africa (DocA) team is led by Executive Director Mohamed Saïd Ouma and includes Josh Mwamunga (Strategy & Finance Lead), Renny Matisko (Project & Administrative Manager), Onyore Nyambok II (Communications & Outreach Manager), Farah Souai (Project Coordinator – ACP DOConnect), and Julie Nguyo (Communications Associate). Together, they are dedicated to the growth of a self-sustaining documentary filmmaking ecosystem in Africa.

Funding Partners

Program Partners